Steps After a Car Accident


Here are some steps to follow after an automobile accident.

1) Check yourself and others in the vehicle for injuries. If anyone is injured, call 911.

2) If able, move your vehicle and yourself to a safe area. If unable to move, turn on your hazard lights. 

3) Call the local police to the scene. If it was your fault or not it's important to call the police even for minor

4) While waiting for the police, take photos of the vehicles involved and take a photo of the other driver's insurance card.

5) When police arrive let them know what happened without directly admitting or blaming other of fault. Ask the police office where you can retrieve the police report. 

6) Call your insurance company to discuss what happened and if filing a claim through your insurance or waiting to possibly file through the other person's insurance is best. 


by Charles J. Greve at CJG Insurance Group



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